Saturday night was the Open Mic Night for Justice Week. While I couldn’t manage to make it, here are some pictures taken that night. Thanks to everyone who performed and attended!
Archive for March, 2009
Open Mic Night
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009Workshop Announcement
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009Friday, April 3rd, 4-6pm
Photographing Your Artwork:
Would you like to photograph your art? Do you feel like your camera
is just not doing the trick? Feel like you just can’t get the right
lighting? Want to increase your audience? Keep a better record of what
you’ve done?
This workshop aims at helping you get high quality photographs that display
your work in the way you’d like. The camera is a digital Canon Rebel (which
took the pictures on the art club blog) that produces large scale, high detail
photographs that can be cropped or poster-sized. The studio has lots of
different types of light so we can find one that works for your art.
We’ll take the pictures and you can bring them home for your own use (so be sure to bring a flash drive)!
Location: Arnecliffe Studio
teacher: Teresa Silva
and just as example of a photographed piece of art:
Art Club Studio Opening Party
Sunday, March 29th, 2009Thank you, again, to everyone who came!
- Sarah, Anna, Julia, and Adrienne. I tried but in each of the 8 pictures taken a different person was blurry
- we were thrilled to have Gillian Grassie play
- Anna and Don Abramowitz without whom we wouldn’t gotten the studio, Thanks Don!
- cutting the cake
- we thought it was crowded
- and then more people showed up!
- People making masks!
- our skilled organizers, Adrienne and Julia
- seeing if the image came out
- at the books display
- silk screening is fun!
- Looking at the books display
- silk screening in a funny hat
- Gillian playing
- people were absolutely thrilled with their hats
- the Harp
Studio in Party Mode
Sunday, March 29th, 2009Luckily we got all set up in time for me to grab a few pictures before people started showing up
- Prayer for an Agricultural Future and Nic Yolla’s oil painting grace the fireplace
- the donation corner with tons of old prints
- books display including Book Arts examples, Michelle Wilson’s, Anna’s and Teresa’s books
- food and drinks
- Silkscreening station
- Mask Making Station
- greeting table with Adrienne’s notebooks
Setting Up for the Studio Opening
Sunday, March 29th, 2009since I was also setting up, I didn’t really get pictures of everyone who came and helped out as they could.
but thank you so much to everyone who helped set up! we couldn’t have set up the whole thing in time without you!
- Anna and Sarah setting up the work near the fireplace
- Julia and Mr. Brady making the candle holders
- Ariel setting up some of the artwork
- Julia making more decorations
- Mary Beth and Anne setting out the food