Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Art Club Tshirts!

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

Love Art Club? Love Arnecliffe? Want a shirt to commemorate your love?

We’re selling tshirts!

Prices depend upon the number of orders we get.

You have to reply to amueser by April 20th with your name, year, mailbox number, and size!



Be on the Art Club Exec Board!

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Think Art Club is awesome?

Would you like to have a hand in the cool stuff we do?

Apply to be on the Exec Board next year!

There’re tons of reasons it’s amazing to be on the Art Club Exec Board. Off the top of our heads we came up with:

-mentorship opportunities

-become on first name basis with administration

-have a noticeable impact on the Bryn Mawr Community

-it’s an incentive to be creative!

-learning professional skills; managing a collaborative group of people

-meet and work with nice local artists

-develop your graphic design skills

-throw and plan big awesome events!

to apply: download and fill out the exec-app-interactive. Return it to Anna Mueser via the button that says “send by email” or by her mailbox #315 by April 12th.

Hope to meet you soon!

Minutes- 3/23

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010


Art Club is working at about capacity. unfortunately we can’t help out as much as we’d like to

-they’re making piñatas! help them!

Exec Board Continuation

confirmation: all underclasswomen continuing on the exec board

-still need 2-3 new people

-went over application

-discussed the advertising campaign. look out for those posters!

Co-op Event

-we have no rain site but will want to do the sweater trees


-being printed out next saturday


Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Kirie is the Japanese art of paper cutting.

The process of Kirie art is as follows. First, the original skeleton picture is drawn on blank sheet of paper. Using a knife, the artist cuts the blank spaces out to create only outlines. Pieces of colored paper and then cut out and attached to the back to fill in the outlines. This creates an often colorful, delicate piece of art.

On Saturday, 3/20 the Rainy Day Studio was fortunate enough to host Shu Kubo. Shu Kubo is a Japanese kirie artist who is in the US at the behest of the Japanese embassy to promote Japanese culture. He gave us a talk, demonstrated how to do kirie and then let us try our hand at it!

shu kubo talking with students

New Mural!

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

So Art Club has created a sort of tradition in which departing seniors paint a mural to make their mark on the studio. The first was the Mountains mural by Teresa Silva which was painted right before the Gallery Opening in the Fall.

On Friday, 3/19, we painted Anna Lehr Mueser’s mural in the Rainy Day Studio. It’s lovely!

Anna's mural!