Minutes 11/1 and 11/8

Sorry for the delays in posting minutes!

Meeting 11/1/09


  • on Friday, the 11th, is a Family Paint Jam Fest 6:30-8pm at Norristown should be tons of fun! dancing, food, painting!
  • working on finding and contacting Haverford’s Photo Club since we can’t have a darkroom in the studio


  • yay OIG funding!
  • yay meeting with Catherine Shapiro, President’s Chief of Staff!
  • future meeting with facilities
  • future meeting with Dean Tidmarsh
  • we are hard at work!

Gallery Opening

  • yay Euphemism Quartet is performing!
  • discussed food. there will lots of it and it will be yummy!
  • how to display art work
  • posters and lights!


  • Exec board is required to submit at least 1 piece of artwork made this year
  • announcements to classes
  • Artist statements welcome but not required
  • someplace else to display the artwork after the opening

Meeting Rescheduling

  • Nov 15th’s exec board meeting is rescheduled to Weds at 9pm to start setting up for gallery opening

Activist Stenciling

  • starts Weds 11/4/09
  • Exec board members will be there


  • report of survey results about next classes next semester
  • status report of classes running this semester
  • Potential Classes for next semester
  1. Silkscreening
  2. Sewing
  3. Bookarts and printmaking
  4. Jewelry Making
  5. Batik
  6. a specific kind of painting? (issue: no artist known to teach)
  • email will be sent out, people respond with what class they’re interested in. Lottery will occur before class, class times will be picked and a meeting one week before the class to confirm class attendance

Minutes 11/08/09


  • yay Dean Tidmarsh!
  • Adrienne is being interviewed along with Amy Grebe for Civic Matters about their work in Norristown

Budget Report

  • slight mix up fixed up
  • classes need to be fully paid up
  • table shopping duties for all!

Gallery Opening

  • Cheap Art Sale- all unclaimed art (or donated art) will be sold
  • new motto: “make art not work” (though exec board members are making art AND work)
  • posters!
  • Submit art! by the 19th!

Sarah Zia Ebrahimi

  • free screening of Between the Folds followed by a free origami workshop at the BMFI


  • lighting set up on Weds
  • command hooks are purchased. so are lights

Next Semester’s Classes

  • Class evaluations would be super useful
  • respond by 11/18 5pm about what classes you want to take!
  • more than 5 people have to sign up for a class to run

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