Spring 2010 classes

Art Club brings artists from the Philly area in to teach short (five weeks) classes in some specific art medium. The classes are open to all members of the Bryn Mawr community: students, faculty, and staff.

For Spring 2010 Art Club is potentially offering:

Book Arts and Printmaking
Learn how to both make books and use Art Club’s printing press to make images. This class will cover the basics of bookbinding and methods of printmaking.

Standard Sewing
Learn how to sew using both hand sewing techniques and machine sewing techniques.

Fabric Sculpture

Batik and Textile Decoration

Learn the art of batik and other fabric and textile dying and printing techniques.

Screen Printing

Silk screening is not just for your department t-shirt! Silk screening is an ancient printmaking method with wide applications from images, to cards, to posters, to clothing.

Jewelry Making

Work with a Bryn Mawr alumna to make beautiful hand-crafted jewelry.

Emails sent to artclubexec.bmc [at] gmail  (with the class name in the subject) will be used to lottery students. The dates and times for the classes will depend on both the artist teaching it and the students enrolled, meaning we have no set dates as of now but will be decided upon communally.

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