
So the exec board is curious.

what supplies are currently not in the studio that you’d want in the studio?

3 Responses to “supplies”

  1. Ellen says:

    colored pencils- really nice ones, 24 color packs.
    More Micron pens, black ink, multiple sizes (.005-.75mm should be good).
    Lots and lots of good quality colored markers.

  2. Anna says:

    -exact-o knives
    -poster board (plain white is fine)
    -spray paint (right now we only have black, gold, and two shades of blue, and an empty red) so maybe some other colors i.e. purple, red, green, orange, silver, and white
    -carbon transfer paper (around 15-20 sheets)

  3. Anna says:

    soap dishes
    dish soap
    more tea?
    embroidery thread
    embroidery hoops
    embroidery needles
    big paper
    acrylic paint
    calligraphy ink