The Exec Board had a fantastically long but productive meeting in which we seriously discussed and drafted policies. Here are the abbreviated minutes.
1. Budget: we need to ask for money in order to keep doing artsy things! Thank you Louisa for working on the budget.
2. Interviews: we start interviewing teachers on Thursday, Sept. 3rd so we set up a procedure and worked out who’s interviewing who. Thank you Adrienne for taking on this tremendous task.
3. Weekly Exec board meetings: members at large are welcome to join us, Sundays at 5:30pm in Erdman for dinner meetings
4. New membership policies!
-Voting members should have attended more than one Art
Club meeting
-Attendance will be on the Honor Code
-Community Art Night will double as an General Art Club
Meeting on the last Wednesday of every month
5. Set up of policies for events in Arnecliffe
-clubs will need to clear events with the Art Club Exec Board
-we have created guidelines and policies that will need to be
agreed to and signed; they deal with our duties and
clarifying the duties of space “renters”
-policies include a non-smoking and alcohol-free policy
6. Access code
-access codes will only be given out in person or by a personal email
– easiest way to get the code is to come out to community art night!
7. Set the agenda for future meetings
Tags: Minutes